Resources to incorporate yoga and meditation practices into your day to day,
to thrive on and off the mat.

laura doing yoga

Practice with me

Monthly Masterclasses Bristol
See below for upcoming events and tickets.

Virtual and On-Demand Yoga

Available on the ThriveLab App.

Emotional Clearing Yoga Masterclass – January 2023

Saturday 26-Nov-22, 10:00am
Juice Jar
68 Queens Rd, Bristol BS8 1QU, United Kingdom

Craving time and space to deepen your yoga practice? Then this is for you.
This 90 minute yoga class will feature yoga philosophy, pranayama, asana and meditation to clear stuck emotion and access inner wisdom.

More information is provided in the detailed description below.

Yoga Resources

Yoga for Grief Part 2

Yoga for Grief Part 2

In the “More Than Asana” weekend we learned about the eight-limb path of yoga described in the Yoga Sutras in Patañjali’s Treaties on Yoga. I say “learned about”, ultimately we learned the concepts exist; we barely dipped a single toe into the ocean of life-long...

Yoga for Grief, Part 1

Yoga for Grief, Part 1

As yoga is becoming more and more a part of my life I find myself turning to it for support, relief, and understanding in many different aspects of my life. Last week my Nana passed away. It was, and still is, a huge shock. She had been absolutely fine, had just had...

Healing hands 2.0

Healing hands 2.0

I preface this post with an acknowledgment that it’s been some time since I last wrote – but I have been doing other updates around the website, such as About Me and my Instagram feed (check them out and let me know what you think!). I wanted to reflect more on...

Healing hands

I've just finished a weekend workshop of hands-on assists as part of my RYT200 training. It was another fantastic, enriching, connecting workshop by YogaOne and once again I found myself amazed with the talent and passion of my teachers and assistants, and the...

Left side brain

Left side brain

Forgot to add my lunchtime doodle to the previous post, shout out to my #truenorthtribe! Now breathe!

Don’t forget to…

"Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Forget this and attaining Enlightenment will be the least of your problems." [1] Something I learned a lot about last week is breathing. Surprising, as it's something I've been doing instinctively for over 28 years -...

New beginnings

New beginnings

I have toyed with the idea of starting a blog for years. I used to love writing but over the years, as it does, day job and "grown-up" life edged out the creative outlets I enjoyed in school. It was two things that made my mind up. Yesterday I completed a 10 day...