Feeding the good wolf

Feeding the good wolf

An intention I’ve been working with in the past weeks is actually inspired by something a FANTASTIC YogaOne teacher, Piper, mentioned in one of her classes. There’s a Native American legend that speaks of two wolves fighting within all of us. One is evil, and...
Yoga for Grief Part 2

Yoga for Grief Part 2

In the “More Than Asana” weekend we learned about the eight-limb path of yoga described in the Yoga Sutras in Patañjali’s Treaties on Yoga. I say “learned about”, ultimately we learned the concepts exist; we barely dipped a single toe into the ocean of life-long...
Yoga for Grief, Part 1

Yoga for Grief, Part 1

As yoga is becoming more and more a part of my life I find myself turning to it for support, relief, and understanding in many different aspects of my life. Last week my Nana passed away. It was, and still is, a huge shock. She had been absolutely fine, had just had...
Healing hands 2.0

Healing hands 2.0

I preface this post with an acknowledgment that it’s been some time since I last wrote – but I have been doing other updates around the website, such as About Me and my Instagram feed (check them out and let me know what you think!). I wanted to reflect more on...

Healing hands

I’ve just finished a weekend workshop of hands-on assists as part of my RYT200 training. It was another fantastic, enriching, connecting workshop by YogaOne and once again I found myself amazed with the talent and passion of my teachers and assistants, and the...